Author: Brad Root
Introducing Ealain for macOS v1.0
About two years ago I released a screensaver for macOS called Ealain, and versioned it v0.1 because it was not quite living up to my original vision for the screensaver. And while it has grown in popularity regardless, I always knew it could be better. Ealain is meant to be a macOS screensaver that is…
Re-Introducing “staires! an adventure in listening”
In my early teens and twenties, I was a consummate blogger. Well, really, I was more of a diarist, spewing thoughts about my life nearly continuously onto a blog of some form or another. In the late 2000’s, I decided to use my ability to spew text to promote music I liked, by converting my…
AI Horde Text Worker – Quick Start Guide for Windows
I noticed a lot of people ask in the AI Horde Discord how to run a worker. I thought it would be useful if the community had a blog post to point people to, and maybe that can be this post. Let’s go! How to get an AI Horde API key Be sure to get…
Introducing Inneal
While most of my AI related app releases have been dedicated to image generation, (counting two Ealain releases and then Aislingeach), my gateway into generative AI was chatbots. If you look at the chronology of this blog, that’s pretty obvious, since it all began with my post about “uncensored” chatbots, which I’ve recently updated to…
The Varying Levels of Getting Started with “Uncensored” LLM-Powered Chatbots (2024 Update)
This post is an update to my previous post, May 2023’s “The Varying Levels of Getting Started with “Uncensored” LLM-Powered Chatbots“. A lot has happened in 11 months. Well, not a lot, but, things have changed a bit. I think that post is still worth reading, because it explains more in depth what we’re talking…
How I Build Apps (And So Can You)
I’ve built a few apps now, apps that people actually pay money for–not a lot of money; a very, very small amount of money, but enough that my Apple Developer fee has been paid for until I die, at the very least. I don’t say this to brag, but to establish that I’ve done this…
Introducing Ealain for Apple TV
Just 11 days ago, I released Ealain for Vision Pro and now I’m very happy to introduce Ealain for Apple TV, which is the same app, it’s just for Apple TV now. You can find it at the same App Store page for Ealain for Vision Pro, because it’s a universal app (or whatever they…
The Weight of Disappointment
This is my Apple Vision Pro review. I wrote several within the first week I got the headset but none of them seemed to be saying anything that wasn’t already being said. Now that the honeymoon period is likely over for most people, and the AVP Discord is getting much quieter, maybe it’s my time…
Introducing Ealain for Vision Pro
A few months ago I released Ealain, a screensaver for macOS that shows bauhaus-style abstract art generated with Stable Diffusion. When I got the Vision Pro, I thought about which of my apps or screensavers would make the most sense ported over. This process took a while and was rife with indecision. Eventually I realized…
Darker Waves 2023
This weekend I went to Darker Waves in Huntington Beach. It was pretty great. We saw: Molchat Doma, The Cardigans, DEVO, Soft Cell, The Psychedelic Furs, The B-52’s (via video screen), and New Order. We also overheard Tears for Fears on the way out, saw a bit of X, heard a touch of OMD, and…