Category: Longform

  • The Best and Only Advice Anyone Should Ever Give You

    Cultivate a strong sense of curiosity within yourself. That’s it. That’s the advice. You don’t even need to read the post now, move along!

  • Meta Quest 3 Review

    I received a Meta Quest 3 on release day, so about 30 days ago at the time I’m writing this. So maybe I should title this post, “One Month with the Quest 3,” but I’ve already written “Meta Quest 3 Review” and I’m too tired out from long nights spent in the metaverse to go…

  • On Shame

    I determined long ago that shame is a feeling I don’t handle particularly well. This can be problematic on the internet, because people will, from time to time, declare that some behavior people regularly engage in is actually quite shameful. This takes all sorts of forms, the “behavior” can vary so widely it feels useless…

  • La Colombe Cold Brew Fridge Pack Review

    I posted this over on the La Colombe Cold Brew Fridge Pack page, and, as is my want as of late, I am posting it here for posterity. Happy wife, happy life My wife decided to start drinking cold brew instead of using K-cups, and as I am diehard La Colombe Nizza drinker, I made…

  • Introducing Aislingeach

    Back in May (2023) I stumbled my way into a a full blown interest in what people are erroneously calling “artificial intelligence”. I’d played with Midjourney back when it first gained traction, and even paid for a month of access, but my interest in it quickly faded. It wasn’t until I learned there was a…

  • AeroPress Clear Review

    I posted this on the official product page for the AeroPress Clear but you never know if they’re actually going to publish negative reviews or not, so here it is for posterity. It is what it says it is, but is also kinda stinks – ★★★★☆ I almost want to give this product five stars,…

  • AeroPress Flow Control Filter Cap Review

    I posted this on the official product page for the AeroPress Flow Control Filter Cap but you never know if they’re actually going to publish negative reviews or not, so here it is for posterity. Not a great version 1.0 – ★★★☆☆ I’ve been using the cap for well over a month (or two?) now,…

  • Introducing Ealain

    I mentioned the other day I was working on an app for generative art, a year or so late to the bandwagon. While playing with it, I stumbled on a great way to generative abstract art, in the vein of bauhaus, and it reminded me of a want I’ve had for years: a screensaver that…

  • The Varying Levels of Getting Started with “Uncensored” LLM-Powered Chatbots

    Update – April 2024: I wrote an update post for this one, you can read it over here. Original Post – May 2023: LLMs like ChatGPT have been in the news quite a bit, but I’d mostly avoided using them too much because they seemed silly, probably due to my own deep seated fears about…

  • Postico 2.0 – macOS PostgreSQL Client

    When I first started my professional development career nearly five years ago now, I was handed a copy of Postico and a business license for it. Since then I’ve used it probably every single working day and a few personal days. It’s a great macOS app, arguably the best, for accessing PostgreSQL databases. Yesterday I…