Tag: macos

  • Introducing Ealain for macOS v1.0

    About two years ago I released a screensaver for macOS called Ealain, and versioned it v0.1 because it was not quite living up to my original vision for the screensaver. And while it has grown in popularity regardless, I always knew it could be better. Ealain is meant to be a macOS screensaver that is…

  • Introducing Ealain

    I mentioned the other day I was working on an app for generative art, a year or so late to the bandwagon. While playing with it, I stumbled on a great way to generative abstract art, in the vein of bauhaus, and it reminded me of a want I’ve had for years: a screensaver that…

  • Postico 2.0 – macOS PostgreSQL Client

    When I first started my professional development career nearly five years ago now, I was handed a copy of Postico and a business license for it. Since then I’ve used it probably every single working day and a few personal days. It’s a great macOS app, arguably the best, for accessing PostgreSQL databases. Yesterday I…

  • What I’m Up To – Week 49, 2021

    What I did over the past week: I built and released dotBeat, a small macOS menu bar app.

  • dotBeat Internet Time

    This week on stream I built a small macOS menu bar app I’m calling dotBeat Internet Time. It’s a small, focused app with two features: 1) It displays the current Swatch Internet Time in the menu bar, and 2) It allows you to figure out how Internet Time corresponds to your local time, as well…

  • PiBar for Pi-hole v1.0 Out Now!

    Last week I bought a Raspberry Pi Zero W so that I could set up a Pi-hole on my home network. If you don’t know what Pi-hole is: it’s a network-level ad and tracking script blocker. It’s different from using something like AdBlock or the Brave browser, because it works across all devices on your…