Tag: macos
Introducing Ealain
I mentioned the other day I was working on an app for generative art, a year or so late to the bandwagon. While playing with it, I stumbled on a great way to generative abstract art, in the vein of bauhaus, and it reminded me of a want I’ve had for years: a screensaver that…
Postico 2.0 – macOS PostgreSQL Client
When I first started my professional development career nearly five years ago now, I was handed a copy of Postico and a business license for it. Since then I’ve used it probably every single working day and a few personal days. It’s a great macOS app, arguably the best, for accessing PostgreSQL databases. Yesterday I…
What I’m Up To – Week 49, 2021
What I did over the past week: I built and released dotBeat, a small macOS menu bar app.
dotBeat Internet Time
This week on stream I built a small macOS menu bar app I’m calling dotBeat Internet Time. It’s a small, focused app with two features: 1) It displays the current Swatch Internet Time in the menu bar, and 2) It allows you to figure out how Internet Time corresponds to your local time, as well…